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Home > Settings & Features > How to log into multiple accounts in Shift
How to log into multiple accounts in Shift
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With Shift, you can log into your different accounts for the same tool or app at the same time! No more logging in and out to access your different accounts. Follow our quick steps in this article to get started! 


  1. Click the plus sign in the bottom left and select "Add Application" 
  2. Scroll through categories or use the search bar then add the app you need
  3. Repeat, then log into the second instance of the app to access your other account


Tips to help differentiate your apps in your setup

  • Utilize the options in the Edit Application window (the pop-up when you first add the app, or by right-clicking on the app and selecting "Edit App")

  • Choose different colors for each instance of the app so that you can differentiate between accounts

  • Name your account when adding the app to your sidebar (e.g. utilize your client or company name)! When you hover over the app in your sidebar, that name will appear

What's next?

Learn more about managing notifications in Shift here.


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